Nicki Rapp is a voice actor and director from Oakland, California. A fluent Simlish speaker, she played the girl child Sim in Electronic Arts’ The Sims for almost 12 years. Along with acting in the game, Nicki enjoyed voice directing the final Sims 3 Expansion Packs: Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, and Into the Future.
Nicki’s adventures in video games continued with Double Fine’s
Psychonauts (Lili) , and most recently in their famous kickstarter game, Broken Age (Dead-eye Courtney). Other roles of note include: a brainy little frog named “Tad” for Leap Frog, “Mighty Pirate Hunter Morgan LeFlay” in Telltale Games Tales of Monkey Island, and misunderstood survivor “Lilly” in Telltale’s The Walking Dead.
A few of her latest characters are “Moya, the Smuggler” and “Dibs, the Dreamer” from EA’s new MOBA, Dawngate.
Nicki recently had her Cartoon Network debut when she played the part of “Alex” in a Short called Long Live the Royals.