Fashion Show
AnimeWorld Indy wants to showcase the Japanese and Asian-inspired fashions you love — so if your passion is fashion, you’re our type! We’re recruiting designers and models for our J-fashion show. Right now, we’re seeking creators and models to demonstrate the following styles:
- All Lolita styles (sweet, gothic, classic, punk, wa, hime, guro, oji, country, EGL/EGA, etc.)
- All Gal styles (gyaru, ganguro, oneegyaru, kogyaru, manba, gyaru-kei, banba, etc.)
- Decora
- Mori girl
- Visual Kei
- Fairy-kei
- Dolly-kei
- Brand, Off-Brand, Indie Japanese/-inspired fashions
- Other street fashions you suggest!
If you have the threads, the style or the know-how for our show, email . Tell us which of the following categories you fit into. Include the fashion you’d like to represent, and if possible, attach or include a link to a photograph or design sketch of your outfit.
MODELS WITH WARDROBE: Please write a few sentences about the fashion you’re representing (what characterizes that style) and your own outfit (if you made it, bought it, etc.). This will be read while you walk the runway.
MODELS WITHOUT WARDROBE: If you’d love to be a model, send us your info, and we’ll try to match you up with a designer so you can model their creations in the show.
DESIGNERS: We’ll match you up with a volunteer model to wear your submission. We will announce you as the creator when the outfit is shown on stage.
PROFESSIONAL COMMISSION ARTISTS: Contribute an outfit for a model to wear in our show and we’ll announce your company as the creator during the show, as well as give you free space to display fliers or business cards so attendees can pick them up.